Summer In The City 2024

Summer in the City 2024


Group exhibition in Berlin with Galerie Mond and Ehrenart

I am very pleased to invite you to my upcoming group exhibition at SUMMER IN THE CITY in Berlin! Together with seven other talented artists I (SPONK) will present my latest works. The exhibition is curated by the renowned Mond Gallery in collaboration with Ehrenart.

This exhibition marks a special milestone for me, as it is my first exhibition in the German capital. In my work I have focussed on nature portraits in graffiti abstraction style. These works combine the raw energy of street art with the gentle, often mysterious forms of nature. By combining bold colours and dynamic lines, I want to express the beauty and complexity of natural motifs in a completely new way.


30. August 2024, 18.30 Uhr


31. August - 12. September 2024


Galerie Mond, Berlin
Friedrichstr. 69
Quartier 205 Stadtmitte 69

10117 Berlin

Other participants

Björn Vogel, Lucas Goly, Markus Gley, Michél Friess, Ohio Mike, Rayan Coleman, Soulgraffart

In addition to my work, the exhibition will showcase a variety of styles and techniques, from painting and sculpture to installations. Each artist brings their own vision, making the exhibition an exciting and diverse experience.

Ich lade Euch herzlich ein, die Ausstellung zu besuchen und Euch von den verschiedenen Perspektiven inspirieren zu lassen. Nutzt die Gelegenheit, Euch mit uns auszutauschen und mehr über unsere Arbeit zu erfahren. Ich freue mich darauf, Euch dort zu sehen.

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