Tiermotive auf Resse Traffohäuschen

Animal motifs on the Resse transformer house


Finally, another graffiti job in my home town of Gelsenkirchen. In May 2019, I spray-painted forest motifs on a small bus shelter in the Resse district, in keeping with the nearby Resse forest. I painted a robin and a fawn as the main motifs using a graffiti airbrush technique. I used self-created stencils for the forest background. I collected suitable leaves from various trees and bushes in the immediate vicinity.

I was commissioned to create this graffiti by the ZWAR group (Zwischen Arbeit und Ruhestand) from Resse. Together with ZWAR member Ursula Junker, we developed the concept of bringing some nature into our urban cityscape.

This artistic work was published in the WAZ and Stadtspiegel newspapers.

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