Live-Auftritt!: Vivid Liquids Maschine “Haeckel” im Museum Folkwang


Thursday 7th November 2019 I had my first live performance at the Kunstmuseum Folkwang in Essen. As part of the group exhibition ‘Das beseelte Ding – vom Geist der Gestaltung’, I am now showing my ‘Haeckel’ machine in action. Together we brought a fascinating colour landscape to life in front of our astonished audience.

During my artistic performance, my former professor (Christian Schreckenberger, Chair at the Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen) commented on my work and gave my audience all the important information about my Vivid Liquids project and the ‘Haeckel’ machine.

Prof. Christian Schreckenberger and Prof. Stefan Neudecker accompanied my bachelor project ‘Vivid Liquids – The Aesthetics of the Random Behaviour of Colours and Liquids’ as examiners in 2018, in which I built and used ‘Haeckel’ to bring my Vivid Liquids colour landscapes to life and document them.

Further Vivid Liquids live performances will take place on the following dates: 14.11.2019 and 21.11.2019

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